
Maxon just announced the latest version of their software Cinema 4D R17 with new features and updates to existing ones, namely, a new Take System which delivers new functionality above and beyond a Render Layer System, Lens Distortion Support which allows you to easily generate a distortion profile for any image, SketchUp integration which lets creative professionals quickly populate scenes by accessing free, ready-to-use objects created and made available by the SketchUp user community, Houdini Engine Integration which allows users load Houdini Digital Assets (HDA) such as parametric objects, simulations, etc.

11 small advancements in Cinema 4D R17 from Orestis Konstantinidis on Vimeo.

11 small advancements in Cinema 4D R17 from Orestis Konstantinidis on Vimeo.


“Seed” by Aixsponza, made using Cinema 4D R17 from Aixsponza on Vimeo.

Seed from Aixsponza on Vimeo.